PCUC | Pregnancy Resources and Information for Southwestern PA
Meet a baby saved from abortion !!!
I didn’t want to go to Planned Parenthood this morning. I woke up at 5:30am and looked at my phone to see the current temperature. 3 degrees.
“God…should I go this morning?” (I was hoping He would let me off the hook.) “Nope? Okay…I’ll go.“ I swung my feet out of bed onto the floor and got ready. Went to 7:30 mass at St. Mary’s downtown as is my Friday routine. After mass I walked to Planned Parenthood and began to pray and hand information to the numerous couples who were entering the clinic on this busy abortion day in Pittsburgh.
One young woman got dropped off in front of the clinic. I spoke to her words of life and love, and attempted to give her the pro-life resource brochure in my hands. She would not take it. She looked upset, and walked into the clinic. I prayed for her and decided to be on the look-out for the man who drove away, thinking he was probably going to park the car and come back. Sure enough, about 15 minutes later, I saw him walking towards me. I met him on the sidewalk and told him how much abortion hurts women AND men…how they regret it…how this child is his HERITAGE and a gift from God. He took the information and said he would give it to his girlfriend.
I continued to pray. About half an hour later, he walked out of the clinic and stood on the sidewalk, inside the circle, and was texting on his phone. I looked closely at him and saw a single line of tears sliding down his smooth brown cheek. I asked him if he tried to talk her out of it. He said he tried, but she was going through with it. He told me he was texting her to ask her to change her mind. I told him I would pray. Right there on the sidewalk in front of him, I got down on my knees. I was praying the Joyful mysteries. I was on the second decade, Mary’s visitation to Elizabeth. I continued through the third joyful mystery, the birth of our Lord…and I asked God to allow this child to be born. I told God as I was praying…”Lord, nothing is impossible for YOU! You can save this child! I trust in YOU!!!” I told my dear mother Mary that I trusted in her prayers for this baby and for her intercession.
I was just finishing the third joyful mystery…still on my knees…when she exited the clinic…HOLDING THE ULTRASOUND PICTURE IN HER HANDS!
She told me she was going to keep her baby! Look at how beautiful this little child is! Such a perfect image! She is 13 weeks pregnant. She let me hug her and told me I could take a picture of her ultrasound picture…which I did…as you can see. She gave me permission to post it on the blog. I asked if her boyfriend had given her the information that I gave to him…and she said he had…but she had thrown it away as soon as he gave it to her. She accepted new information as I told her about all the help available at the pregnancy centers. She didn’t look happy…looked like she was in shock, actually. Please pray for her “J” and her boyfriend “M”…that they will remain strong in their commitment to bring this child to birth.
I am so grateful to God for saving this little life…and for using me as an instrument! And especially at this time…as we are about to begin our 40 days…we needed this encouragement!!!
Niki Bruni
PCUC Board of Directors
Director, 40 Days for Life, Pittsburgh