U. S. Senate News
Senate Blitzing Nominees SENATE MAJORITY LEADER HARRY REID (D-NV) CHANGED THE SENATE RULES– mid-session, by simple majority vote – to overturn the long-standing requirement of a 60% vote in order to bring debate on nominees to an end for an immediate vote. The term for this is the Senate’s “cloture” rule, and it is the […]
HB 818

On June 5, 2013, the Pa. Senate passed H.B. 818 by a vote of 31-19. On June 4, 2013, the Pa. Senate defeated two gutting amendments, Schwank 26-24, and Vance 27-23. The following is a record of the votes of our Pa. Senators for all three votes. We should rejoice that this legislation (which Gov. Corbett has […]