Consecration of PCUC to the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
By His Excellency, Bishop William Waltersheid
Saturday, January 18th, 2025
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, burning Furnace of Charity, Redeemer of all, through You everything in heaven and on earth was created. You are the image of the invisible God; You are true God and true Man. By Your Incarnation, You manifest to us that every man and woman is created in the image and likeness of God. To You, O Sacred Heart, we consecrate PCUC and all of its work that defends the dignity and worth of every person. Protect PCUC and give us the grace and strength to continue its mission of proclaiming the sacredness of all human life.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, by your Fiat to the eternal design that you become the Mother of God, you have elevated the vocation of motherhood to be the way in which God would become one of us in your virginal womb. We consecrate, O Mother, to your Immaculate Heart the work of PCUC in defending every unborn child and supporting women who face great challenges while carrying new life within them. O Most Pure Heart of Mary, take PCUC and its mission of advocating for unborn children, their mothers and all persons whose life is threatened by the culture of death under the mantle of your protection. Blessed Lady, help us to make abortion unthinkable in our nation.
O Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, Foster Father of Jesus Christ and pure Spouse of Our Lady, you are the model for fathers and the protector of families. . We consecrate to you PCUC and its mission to strengthen family life and the vocations of mothers and fathers everywhere. By your powerful intercession, St. Joseph, protect traditional marriage and family life as the foundation of our culture and nation.
O Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we consecrate ourselves totally to you, body, mind and soul. Guide us, protect us, and help us to promote a culture of life and a civilization of love for the greater honor and glory of God and the protection of every human life. Amen.