Plan B, an Abortifacient! We have recently received a letter from our Advisory Board Member, Dr. Chris Kahlenborn, that The POLYCARP Research Institute, ( will be publishing a major article regarding Plan B (ie, levonorgestrel emergency contraception [ie, LNG-EC]) in the February 2015 edition of the Linacre Quarterly. This article is a review of most […]
Think you don’t need an organ donor opt-out card? Think again — the Burns case By Paul A. Byrne, M.D. Very few people look forward to going to the doctor. Even fewer look forward to being a patient in a hospital. Some people have an irrational fear of hospitals. This is not a good thing. On […]
Trisomy 21 Meet Dr. Marthe Gautier The Scientist who Discovered Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) by Randy Engel* Randy Engel: Dr. Gautier, before we begin this interview, I want to thank you for recommending to me the remarkable book by Professor Peter Harper of Cardiff University, Wales, First Years of Human Chromosomes – The Beginnings of Human […]