Recommended Pro-Life Videos & Films

NOTE: Many of these videos can be borrowed from the PCUC office.

76 min. Saint of Auschwitz. Performed by Leonardo Defilippis. In 1941 Fr. Kolbe was arrested by the Gestapo for his work against the Nazi death forces. Used for slave labor, frequently beaten and subjected to humiliations, and in the end offered to take the place of married man condemned to death by starvation. Beautiful musical score.

About life in your mother’s womb using state-of the-art computer animation and in-uteri photography. Ages 5-12.

Describes human prenatal development through 38 weeks of pregnancy. Rare imagery of living embryo and fetus. 42 minutes. Students and up. Produced by Endowment for Human Development.

Talks by Fr. Frank Pavone.  Inspiring for all ages.

60 min. Story of the greatest poet that Spain has ever known. Video.

28 min. When Johnny meets someone totally out of his world, he lands in a mine field of questions and choices. Honest and highly entertaining film looks at decisions every teen needs to make about sex.

The film is designed for parents, pastors, and youth leaders to watch with their teens. Discussion on sexuality and what the Bible says. Doesn’t threaten, doesn’t preach doesn’t beg. Presented by Concerned Women for America (CWA).

90 min. In Poland during WWII, while some stand silent, a teenager sneaks 13 Jewish people into her attic. True story. or call 1-800-476-2492

59 MIN. Testimony from former abortion providers: doctors, clinic owners, clinic assistants, and other clinic staff. How they became involved and eventually left the abortion industry.